EDGAR Filing Agent, a division of Electronic Publishing Services, Inc.

EDGAR Filing Agent Form X-17A-5 Online Workstation


A Modernized Form X-17A-5 Self-Service Filing Tool


The Form X-17A-5 Online Workstation is an easy to use tool where self-service filers can create, store, manage, file Regulation D (Form X-17A-5) SEC filings and amendments. We also have information for any required state filings. We’ve done all the hard work. You simply fill out a form on your computer or mobile device. There’s no need to learn XML: our system does all the work of converting your information to XML and transmitting your filing to the SEC.


From the SEC Form X-17A-5 Online Workstation you can file Form X-17A-5s and save for future reference, re-use or amendment as necessary.


Features of our system

Simple, do-it-yourself method of creating and filing SEC X-17A-5 Forms.
Test and live file your Form X-17A-5 to the SEC directly from our Online Workstation; receive and review filing notifications immediately.
Receive and review filing notifications immediately.
No need to purchase desktop software.
Save forms for future re-use or amendment.

If you would be interested in seeing an online demo of our system, give us a call. We will be happy to demonstrate our online filing tool.


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